Hackathon - Roundup #2

We held our second Magewire hackathon on Wednesday, May 29th, which I had eagerly anticipated, especially after gathering and processed the feedback from the first hackathon. Additionally, I still had one significant obstacle to overcome, and I felt it would be beneficial to address it during the hackathon, hoping that we could collectively brainstorm and find a solution. Once this obstacle is resolved, I can proceed smoothly with the current build.

Current State

It's difficult to pinpoint exactly where I am currently regarding the current status of Magewire v3. This new version cannot be compared in any way to the current Magewire version, as v3 has been completely rewritten based on the Livewire v3 architecture.

I am currently very busy working out the final architecture, which will ultimately allow me to more easily port features since the architecture is built on so called Mechanisms and Features.

Simply put, this means that the puzzle is divided into different pieces that theoretically are not dependent on each other. This may ultimately result in the fact that the first alpha release may not cover all features immediately.

Getting Together

It was great to see some familiar faces join us again. Additionally, we were fortunate to welcome some new faces, which I was pleased about. I notice that promoting Magewire is quite a challenge, as our community tends to be very cautious when it comes to new things.

We essentially picked up where we left off last time. During the last session, I noticed that installing the development version was quite a struggle. Thankfully, with the processed feedback, it went smoothly this time, and (almost) everyone could get started quickly.

I gave a brief introduction again to explain to everyone what they could work on. This could include porting features, brainstorming architectural obstacles, or simply learning from the current setup to understand the direction we are heading.

In the end, we made great progress together, and I am very pleased with the new insights, the issues we were able to tackle, and especially the camaraderie that was present.

Hopefully, we can have another hackathon soon!

Moving on

At the moment, I'm busy tackling the last obstacle, where I've unexpectedly received tremendous help from Justin van Elsts, who came up with a crucial contribution. We're currently fine-tuning this, and I expect, thanks to this contribution, to be able to make significant progress soon.

Additionally, I am forced to seek more financial resources to continue this endeavor. Over the past few months, I have invested countless hours to reach the point where it is now. It is impossible for me to keep doing this without some form of compensation. My current sponsors, Vendic and Zero-1, are already doing their best, and I hope to expand this list in the near future to create a win-win situation.

First, there's a move planned that will take up a lot of my time in the coming period. Despite looking forward to this, settled in my new home office, I will immediately continue with Magewire afterward, aiming to come up with a stable and fully backward-compatible version later this year!

We held our second Magewire hackathon on Wednesday, May 29th, which I had eagerly anticipated, especially after gathering and processed the feedback from the first hackathon.